New york times crosswords
New york times crosswords

new york times crosswords
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  2. New york times crosswords free#

"¢ If the clue ends in a question mark, the puzzle author is using a play on words or is doing something else particularly clever. "¢ Any time the clue uses an abbreviation instead of spelling out the word, the answer is an abbreviation.

new york times crosswords

A few tips to help you on your life quest to finish the Sunday Crossword (or is that just me?): What do you want to bet that completed crossword puzzle is hanging on their wall, framed?ġ0.

new york times crosswords

Bob Khan prepared a puzzle where answers to clues included "BILLG" (his first name and last initial") "WILLYOUMARRYME" and "AMODESTPROPOSAL." She said yes. In 1998, a man proposed to his New York Times crossword-loving girlfriend using the puzzle. Shortz edited the puzzle "“ albeit very little, he said "“ and reported that Clinton's clues and answers were "laugh out loud" funny.ĩ. He wrote the clues, but the grid was constructed for him. Clinton is such a fan that he collaborated on an online-only crossword for the Times in 2007. "There is a group of people who mail the puzzle to you when your name comes up in it."Ĥ. "You are never famous until you've had your name in a crossword puzzle," she once said. Celebrity NYT crossword fans include Bill Clinton, Kitty Carlisle Hart, Norman Mailer, Jon Stewart and Beverly Sills. But keep your eyes peeled anyway"¦ it's always fun to spot one.ģ. When you consider that 417 are published annually (there are two on Sundays) and each crossword contains more than 50 clues, that's a pretty good rate. There are about 20 errors in the crosswords every year.

new york times crosswords

But the paper finally decided to give in to fun and games during the WWII, when it was decided that perhaps readers needed something a little bit frivolous to take their minds off of the considerably heavier events going on in the world.Ģ. They called it "a primitive form of mental exercise" and turned their collective noses up at people who would deign to spend their time arranging letters in little boxes. Prior to 1942, the Times was kind of snobby about the wordplay game. It's really all just a long-winded way of saying that I have crosswords on the brain lately, so it only seemed natural to do a little research on the American pastime.ġ. And no, The New York Times certainly hasn't paid me to endorse their app, although if they would like to, I'd be happy to provide my Paypal address. I have become one of those people who is always completely enthralled in the iPhone and can't be bothered to make eye contact with anyone. This means I am doing crosswords all of the time. The problem/awesomeness of the app is that you can consult a calendar and pick any crossword you want going several years back. I use it all of the time, which is more than I can say for some of my other apps (I meant well, Tetris, I really did), but I probably use it way too much.

New york times crosswords free#

If you ever had problem with solutions or anything else, feel free to make us happy with your comments.The New York Times crossword app on my iPhone is probably the best and worst investment I have ever made. The New York Times crossword puzzle is a daily puzzle published in The New York Times newspaper but, fortunately New York times had just recently published a free online-based mini Crossword on the newspaper’s website, syndicated to more than 300 other newspapers and journals, and luckily available as mobile apps.

New york times crosswords for free#

New York times newspaper’s website now includes various games containing Crossword, mini Crosswords, spelling bee, sudoku, etc., you can play part of them for free and to play the rest, you’ve to pay for subscribe. If you want some other answer clues, check : NY Times JMini Crossword AnswersĪlready finished today’s mini crossword? So, check this link for coming days puzzles : NY Times Mini Crossword Answers Here’s the answer for “Sled dog breed crossword clue NYT” : But, if you don’t have time to answer the crosswords, you can use our answer clue for them! If you want to know other clues answers for NYT Mini Crossword July 19 2022, click here. We’ve solved one crossword answer clue, called “Sled dog breed”, from The New York Times Mini Crossword for you! New York Times most popular game called mini crossword is a brand-new online crossword that everyone should at least try it for once! If you play it, you can feed your brain with words and enjoy a lovely puzzle.

New york times crosswords